Golf is rarely a cheap sport. Buying membership to a course will put quite a large dent in your pocket, and will probably even have to be renewed some time in the future. The golf clubs themselves can cost a small fortune. However, nobody ever said that the accessories had to be expensive. It is possible to get all of the golf accessories that you could ever need for very cheap, or even for free if you get lucky. Read on to find out about where to look for the cheapest golf accessories, and how you can make sure that you never overpay again for something that you can buy for cheaper elsewhere.
Auctions, especially estate auctions, are great places to go for golf equipment. You will be able to get a detailed description of the item before bidding begins, and possibly see it with your own eyes and test it out for a bit. Once the auction starts you will be faced with some competition almost certainly if the item is desirable (other people know to look at auctions too! This information is not exclusive). Be prepared to pay what it is worth, whether this is below the suggested retail price or not. If you win the item and you ended up paying less than you would have at the store, then be proud of yourself – auctions can be challenging places for many people.
Real world auctions aren’t the only ones that offer cheap items. EBay, the world’s most popular auction site, has a number of golf accessories that would be hard to find otherwise. If you are an experienced eBay bidder then you already know how the whole system works. You punch in your highest bid, and simply wait to see if anybody else is going to bid higher. If someone outbids you then you may find out that your highest bid wasn’t actually your highest bid, and you’ll increase it just to try for a second chance at the item. This is how the bidding wars start. It can be tempting to keep bidding higher and higher, until the final cost after shipping would be higher than retail. Never let this happen. If it gets close, just quit and go buy the item in the store.
Yard sales are another good place to look for people’s old golf equipment that they no longer want. Yard sales often offer the cheapest prices you could ask for, and most of the time the person setting the prices has no idea about the worth of the item (which can work for you or against you). If you watch the newspapers for yard sale times, you will start to notice patterns in the time as well as the geographical location. Just establish a route that you can follow every week to look for yard sales and possibly find what golf accessories.
Golf accessories are hard to find for cheap, but they are anything but impossible to find. You can simply establish a routine that you will follow every week or so. Check all of the online stores, all of the yard sales, and any other venues that you may have in mind. This way, when someone decides to sell their golf accessories you will be the first one to be there to buy them.